Today was ... very emotional.
I woke up at 9.58am with a happy thought in mind:
I was going to attend Speech Day just so I can scream and cheer during the performances.Then tralalalala happy happy get ready and left to meet up with JiaWei at Admiralty MRT. So we met up and lalalalalala reached the foodcourt. Darlyna arrived and we had our lunch together. Then SinYee and KaiXin came along. And happy happy had lunch.
Arrived in school and went to change into the
not-so-awesome-anymore Number 1 unifrom.

Us in our white shirts. Kinda looks like military recruits. Or maybe

Darlyna and I got bored. And I forced her into taking this picture with me. LAWL.
Anywhos. I forgot what happened, then we had to form up.
Waiting was damn boring, so what did we do? Take pictures of course!
See, I polished my boots okay. Not.
So we formed up Part 2, and after that was done, we were told to wait behind the science blocks for further instructions. So we did.
Again, waiting was boring, so I took pictures.
Izzati was getting Darlyna to dance with her while I took pictures.
I think she succeedded.
The grand finale. How touching.Anyway, after a heck lot of waiting and doing mindless stuff (
YongLer & Izzati: CHINGAYYY!!, Nicholas: Shake it, yeah!!), we were told to move to that dunno-what area so we can view the performances.
The last happy thing that happened. Darlyna, Jeremy and Natassja.
Wow. I'm damn dark. No wait, Jeremy's too fair. That ass.Anywhos and Anywhats.
First thing that pissed me off: We had to remain in a proper falling in position in a squad in &$#@&ing Senang Diri position. Mind you, it was throughout the entire damn thing. And we haven't had a water break for about... say... 3 hours?
Second: Although that NCC IC guy said we could move our upper body, that bitch hole YouWei said that if we moved, we're dead. Like, wtf? Must respect No. 1 uniform! Well, eff you.
Third: He wasn't kidding when he said we couldn't move. We couldn't even talk, for ass's sake. We couldn't even clap for our squadmates for their PDS performance (good job, btw). You know how effed up that is?
Fourth: My tears are unfortunately connected to my anger. So when I get angry and I can't express it, I start tearing up and crying. And I was pretty damn angry then.
Fifth: Shafiqah just HAD to start crying. Like, I had my tears at bay, then I saw her cry, then like, wtfffffff. I started crying like, seriously crying. Like, the damn tears won't effing stop flowing. Gawd. Then Darlyna saw me cry, then she started crying. LAWL.
Then after performance finish, I went to the toilet to wash face, and the first thing I heard when I open the door was:
'NPCC @$@$# la! Ah, go fall in la! Fall in fall in! I tell you ah, get all these ranks right, for nothing one! Wear Number 1 also for what?!'Or something along those lines. But I don't get why still so serious behing the science blocks when she already knew we were gonna be treated like this for the performances. Might as well have fun while we can what.
I forgot about what happened already la. But like, seriously damn emotional. So embarrassing can?
Then after that Rahimi talked to us behind the indoor sport hall, after the damn CIs screamed at us. Don't wanna waste my time typing about them. They weren't really in the wrong anyway. They didn't know what was happening.
But that bitch hole YouWei can still act like nothing happen seh. I felt like taking one of the PDS people's riffle and shoving it so far up his ass he could taste it in his throat.
Anyway, Rahimi gave a damn touching speech la, then I was so embarrassed 'cause I couldn't stop sobbing. Damn me.
Rahimi : Really, you guys look damn ugly when you cry.Me: Thank you sir.Then, omfg, area-cleaning.
Then had some Thrash Talk Session with TeckWei, Jack and Kingston. I respect them more than I ever respected YouWei.
Here's a list of seniors from NPCC I respect, just 'cause I feel like it.
RahimiTeckWeiMichealJackKingston NabilahJiaHuiI think that's about it. Sad, huh?
And I've decided that the only reason I'll ever attend training or whatever is for these handful of people. I guess they at least deserve a good squad, after all their hard work. Actually for some of them, it's 'cause their attitude doesn't suck, so yeah.
Well, whatever.
Anyway, had TTS with the three of them, and there was a lot of complaints and stuff. Made me laugh a number of times. Made me cry all over again, too.
Then school had to close down, so we went to some void deck to have TTS Part 2.
A lot was said.
I don't remember. Serious.
Then lalalalala TeckWei had to go, so naturally we left.
Then blablablabla went home.
And now, blogging and feeling like my head's gonna drop off.
Today sucked.
Crying together sucked.
I have a feeling that NP is gonna get worst when the PDS people come back.
P.s: Forgive any grammar / spelling mistakes. Too tired to care.