Current mood: That feeling you get when you see someone(s) you've been close to in a new light? Yeah, I don't know what it's called.Current music: If you asked me if I liked you, I'd lie and say yes.Location: The throne of realization. [??]Yo.
I just came back from going down to the park with Twiggy. She just came back from the cruise thing and got me this funny-looking albeit cool shell necklace from Thailand.
It was fun.
I decided it was fun to start a fire made out of match sticks. And in the middle of starting the awesome
[puny] fire, we started talking about a certain someone whom I'm not gonna mentioned even though it'll be obvious who it is unless the person we're talking about is a moronic douche bag.
See, Twiggy and I started talking about our dear friend who's away with her cousins in Malaysia, and we were discussing her attitude. Man, it was weird, 'cause the truth was told, and the cycle was something like this; Twiggy and I would talk bad about her, though it's completely facts, and she and I would talk about Twiggy, and she'd tell me bad stuff about her, and I'd agree
[SHADDUP! I'M GUILTY OKAY!] because from our perspective it's kinda true, and also I didn't hear Twiggy out. And she'll tell Twiggy stuff about me.
So it's a screwed-up circle.
So we talked and talked and talked.
And I realised that the one who's the big bad meanie's not Twiggy.
[I actually thought she's a complete, and utter, loser. Prejudice, prejudice.]The thing is, she's always complaining how people copy her. She thinks her whole life's a goddamn
sad sob story.
The reason? She's always telling people what to wear and what to do, because everything's supposed to go her way, because her way's always the best. Because her opinion makes a whole big
[bad] difference.
Because she strips away your individuality. Everyone has their own style, damnit.
She keeps saying she's no ah lian. Then again, the way she dresses
IS ah lian. I assume that she thinks that she's got the best damn fashion sense there is, since she's always telling Twiggy what to wear and not to wear. Jeez. Let the girl wear what she wants and is comfortable in, man.
Besides, Twiggy probably ... erm... copied her because, well, Twiggy's a lonely person, and she suddenly has friends. Obviously she'll try her hardest to fit in. And what better way then to be exactly like the one who fits in easily?
And she has that whole 'I'm cool and you're not' thing going on. Seriously. She thinks she's emo, cute and kiddy. She freakin'
KIDDY. It gets old, ya know. There's only so much of a kid a retarded 14-year-old can act as.
She hates people because they have something that she doesn't. I'm not even going to comment on that.
And also, she says the meanest freakin' thing which she might not, or pretend not to, notice that she's hurt someone. I don't get it; she hurts people like nobody's business, and yet Twiggy and I remain silent about it. We don't dare to say stuff that might even remotely hurt her, intentionally or not. I don't give a crap if she doesn't realise that she's hurting people, because it's happened too many times.
She's an obsessive gamer. Her entire freakin'
[pathetic] life freakin' revolves around gaming, till a point where it's not even a life anymore. Seriously. Her mum confiscated her laptop, and she rips apart the drawer. Says a lot, eh?
Her obsession is becoming so much more it's affecting people around her, damnit. Seriously, Twiggy and I feel like thrash whenever we're with her. She's just so goddamned depressing to be with.
And she has effing issues with people with meat. Just because she's a pathetic loser with skin and bones doesn't mean other people who have meat in their bodies are fat. I mean, seriously, she says I'm fat
[okay, maybe I am.], but I'd rather have meat in my ass rather than nothing at all.
She says gaming is more educational than watching YouTube videos.
Hmm. Let's see. Gaming vs YouTube? Ding ding ding! We have a winner!
YouTube's more educational, you loser. She says Warcraft is educational, because it enhances your strategic thinking. Well, guess what? When you're done with Warcraft, and all the other stuff you play, there
won't be a brain. It'll all be mush.
YouTube has an incredibly wide variety of stuff. It depends on what you watch, and you're sorta influenced by it. There's actually a lot of stuff you can learn.
[Obsessive] Gaming only influences one thing, and it leads to the rotting of your brain.
She says she's a loner and no one wants to be with her.
Look around you, you friggin' asswipe!
What the hell have Twiggy and I been doing, then?! We're, dare I say, the closest damn thing you have to best friends. You keep saying that no one understands you. Guess what?
IT'S 'CAUSE YOU DON'T TELL US ANYTHING! You have classmates who say Hi to you, whereas Twiggy doesn't even get a glance from her classmates. That's what a loner is like, you idiot. And she tries to make friends. You, on the other hand, have friends and yet you push them away with your intolerable attitude.
Oh, and the thing about her maple-hubby whom she so-called
'loved'. I don't blame him for not giving two shits about her, because, well, he's her ex-MAPLE-husband.
And Kiwi.
Kiwi Kiwi Kiwi. That's all you freakin' talk about. You say you're in love, and that he's your one and only true love. Guess what? That's what everyone says when they're having a massive crush on someone. And even if it WAS true love, if fate meant for it to be, you WILL end up together, somehow. So
suck it up and quit whining about it.
She says she wants to get into the Pure Sciences and get into A. Maths because that course she wants in poly requires it. She says it like it'll happen, because everything'll definitely go her way. Know why it didn't? Because you were gaming all the stinkin' time, and didn't even try to study for something which your future depended on.
Man, I feel good after typing this. And at some point of time I went to the kitchen to get the jar of peanut butter and started eating it just like that. It's yummy okay.
Twiggy's typing a, probably, much more detailed version of whatever I typed. She's pissed, alright. And she's the main victim.
So I'll just end this off with this:
To Twiggy: I am freaking terribly sorry for all that shit I thought of you before. Seriously, I would dedicate 'Sorry' by the Jonas Brothers to you, but it'll be really weird.To Her: Get a life.